Search for public records by address. Now you can search for Illinois public records by address through our new CASS address certification program. Simply type in the address, and our system will scan millions of Illinois real estate transactions, mortgages, and foreclosures, for matching public records. Quickly see if your mortgage was recorded correctly, or find out if your neighbor is in foreclosure. Check it out at Real Estate Illinois
Turn your Website into a Real Estate Portal, now you can integrate current, local Illinois real estate data into your existing Website with Record Information Services API Real Estate Network. Increase traffic to your site and compliment your current data by using Illinois foreclosure API, real estate API, tax sales API, liens API, and/or a mortgages API.
Take your background search mobile, now you can access over 16 million public records with the touch of a button, whether you are driving or out of the office. Search for people, businesses, or properties, with your iPhone, Android, or Blackberry. Save this url and try it out: CheckIllinois
Record Information Services has teamed up with the Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing to provide an online service for quick background checks. This service is useful for attorneys, landlords, and renters alike. Simply type a name, and see felonies, evictions, foreclosures, and more. Check it out here
Need your Illinois Real Estate Parcel Number (PIN) to deduct your Real Estate taxes while filing your tax return? Check Illinois can provide this information to you by searching on your name and pulling your real estate and/or mortgage record for as little as $4.95.